Object and Type
Object : FCSQLExec
Type : Method
Public Sub OpenConnection(ByVal TheDB As String, _
ByVal UserName As String, _
ByVal Password As String, _
ByVal DBServer As String, _
ByVal DBName As String)
This method is used to open a connection to an external database. If this FCSQLExec object is using the default connection to the Clarify database, you do not need to call this method.
Parameter Name Required? Description
TheDB Yes Database system to connect to. One of "SQL" or "ORACLE"
UserName Yes User name for login
Password Yes Password for the user
DBServer Yes Server on which the database is located
DBName Yes Database name
Error Codes
Value Meaning
14001 You may not connect with this SQLExec object to more than one database
14002 Could not connect with the supplied parameters
The following example demonstrates opening an external connection, executing SQL against it, and closing the connection.
The code in this example is written in JavaScript for inclusion in ASP pages.
// Create an external DB connection
// Log in
var SqlDB = FCSession.CreateSQLExec();
SqlDB.OpenConnection("sql", "sa", "sa", "gaffer", "cl10");
// Query for a simple table (with one column)
// Iterate through it and print out the data
SqlDB.ExecuteReturnRows("select * from foo");
while (SqlDB.Records.EOF != true)
Response.Write ("Value: " + SqlDB.Records("out_col"));
// Now add a row, and close the connection
SqlDB.Execute("insert into foo values (55)");
Visual Basic:
The code in this example is written in Visual Basic.
Dim sql_db As FCSqlExec
Set sql_db = fc_session.CreateSqlExec
sql_db.OpenConnection "sql", "sa", "sa", "gaffer", "cl10"
sql_db.ExecuteReturnRows "select * from foo"
While sql_db.records.EOF = False
MsgBox sql_db.records("out_col")
sql_db.Execute "insert into foo values (44)"